SCOTUS and the Church

With the landmark decision by an increasingly liberal Supreme Court our nation received what was basically expected by the majority of us yesterday — a ruling in favor of homosexual “marriage” nationwide.  What happened yesterday was a direct assault on the Constitution of the United States, and a slap in the face of State’s rights.  Those in the highest offices of each of our branches of government have paved the way for such a ruling by their weak and tolerant leadership.  The ruling by the Judicial branch is illustrative of the looseness that also dominates the Executive and Legislative branches.  Proverbs 14:34 says, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”  Legislation and court decisions will never change Truth… It just won’t. 

So that brings me to my topic.  Everyone has an opinion, but the purpose of the Church remains exactly the same.  It is the same whether we are in a war torn and impoverished  third-world country or in a prosperous, but spiritually bankrupt society.  Our mission remains: 1. Exalt God.  2. Edify One Another.  3. Evangelize the World.  We love God just as much today as we did yesterday.  We love one another just as much today as we did yesterday.  And we love people who need the Lord just as much today as we did yesterday.  So in reality, nothing has changed.  It only got a little darker, which means we will shine a little brighter.  May the Lord help us to live faithful to our mission.